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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Idaho – Part 2

Our new home is Eden, just outside of Twin Falls.  The rocks, high desert, mountains and the river canyons are all a part of the history of South Central Idaho.  Two dramatic geological events shaped this area.  Approximately 15 million years ago, molten lave flowed through cracks and fissures in the earth’s surface to create the many unique rock formations still visible north of the Snake River Canyon.  The basin and range topography south of the canyon also was formed by waves of lava.  Approximately 30,000 years ago, a flood of great magnitude, known as the Bonneville Flood, unleashed a torrent toward the Snake River that shaped the present day canyon. 

We drove to Shoshone Falls that is among the most spectacular of natural features along the Snake River.  At 212 feet, these falls are higher than Niagara Falls, and MUCH more beautiful.  Of all the falls we have seen, we feel these are the prettiest by far.  Somewhere we saw a perfect name for them, “Niagara Falls of the West.”

Then onto Perrine Bridge that crosses the Snake River canyon in Jerome.  The bridge, built in 1974, is 933 feet long and 496 feet above the river.  We had heard it is a popular destination for BASE jumpers from all over the world, and wouldn’t you know, Judy spotted a group of four young people getting their parachutes ready for a jump.  Wow, yesterday rock climbers, up-close-and-personal, and today B.A.S.E. jumpers!  BASE jumpers have to experience jumping from a Building, an Antenna, a Span, and the Earth.  Mike asked when they would be jumping off the bridge, and they thought in an hour, so we waited.  The leader was from California, one young lady was from Japan, the two men were from Italy and New Zealand.  Well, it took well over an hour, but we got to see the four of them plus one other jumper not in the group, go off the bridge; four of them hitting their target (the land adjacent to the water) and one hitting the water.  The one who hit the water just missed hitting a houseboat.  It was quite an exciting experience, even though it was very hot in the sun and there was no shade to be in when we took the pictures/movies. 


The jumper below did two backflips on his way down

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