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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Westborough, MA

The morning we left for Westborough the sky opened up and the rain was coming down in sheets.  Mike told Judy to stay in the trailer while he got everything outside taken care of wearing his crocks and rain jacket.  We were surrounded by puddles, which were getting deeper and deeper!  It rained the entire day.  We did laundry in Westborough and then went to meet Pam, her husband Mike, and our other new step granddaughter Katelynn.  We all enjoyed dinner together.

Pam & Katelynn 

The next day we picked up our daughter Leslie, who flew in from Mississippi.  We had bison burgers for lunch at Ted Turner’s restaurant, "Ted’s Montana".  Next stop was to replace Mike’s cell phone since it was deader than dead from being soaked in the rain while taking down camp yesterday morning.  We then headed to Beth and Neil’s, where we had been invited for a bbq at 6:30.  It was shortly before five and we offered to help prepare for the 20 people they were expecting (the out-of-towners who were already in town!)  We really enjoyed our visit with so many relatives and friends that we hadn’t seen in a long time.  It rained on and off all day long so we ate inside.

Leslie, Beth, & Judy

Grete & Leslie

 Ben & Leslie

Neil & Ben

Ben & His Grandpa's

Grete & Grandma

Grandma, Ben, & Grandpa Michael

Friday we slept in as long as we could and then spent the rest of the afternoon playing with the new cell phone, taking showers, and relaxing.  Neil and Beth invited everyone to a fabulous dinner at Arturo’s, a very good Italian restaurant.  Then we all went to Friday Evening Sabbath Services in which Ben participated.
Saturday was the BIG day.  We were at Temple at 8:30 for family pictures.  When Judy was putting on her pantyhose (DO NOT laugh too loud!!!) she heard something pop in her left hand that left it very painful.  It was bruised and very sore.

After all the pictures were taken instructions were given to those who had a part during the service, by the rabbi.  Shortly afterwards the service began. Ben did a terrific job and Sophie, the Bat Mitzvah girl did also.  Judy was very glad when she and Mike were done doing the prayer before and after the reading of the Torah.  Ben did the Torah blessings with great ease and read from the Torah wonderfully.  Beth and Neil had very nice words to say to Ben during the service.
After services we had challah and wine in the lobby of the Temple and then went to the Doubletree Hotel for the reception.  The D.J. they hired did an excellent job with keeping the kids busy dancing and playing games and giving out prizes.  The food was excellent. 

Beth, Neil, Leslie, Pam, Judy, & Mike

Our last activity for this very special four day celebration was a brunch at the Doubletree on Sunday.  It, too, was extremely wonderful…..lots to choose from and much to enjoy.  Then came the sad good-byes to those who were leaving.  It was really great having the whole family together.  We then returned to the trailer for a quiet, restful afternoon and evening.
Monday we finally saw blue sky and sun, with comfortable temperatures in the low to mid 80’s.  After breakfast we drove to Purgatory Chasm, a place Neil recommended for hiking.  A unique natural landmark, Purgatory Chasm runs for a quarter of a mile between granite walls rising as high as 70 feet.  It is believed to have its origin when glacial meltwater from a burst ice dam ripped out blocks of bedrock at the end of the last Ice Age (14,000 years ago).  Since Judy’s sore hand prevented her from using a walking stick and climbing over the rocks she returned to the truck to read while Mike had all the fun.

After talking to Beth, we decided to have Judy's hand checked out at University of Massachusetts Hospital to make sure there was nothing broken.  Not wanting to let Mike outdo her we went to the emergency room.  After being x-rayed the doctor said nothing was broken and prescribed pain medication and to alternate hot and cold compresses and elevation of her hand.   

 Judy, tell your hand to smile!

Tuesday we relaxed around the campground.  Wednesday we took Neil, Beth, and Ben to dinner (Grete was visiting a friend).  Thursday we took Ben to his French Horn lessons, had dinner with them, and then for the hardest part - saying our good-byes.  The end of a fantastic visit to Westborough.

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